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Planning Board Minutes-Jan. 19, 2005
Minutes of the Meeting of
January 19, 2005


        Members Present:        Gerard LeBlanc, Vice Chairman
                                Joan DiLillo, Member
                                Gordon Coyle, Member

        Members Absent: Philip Lindquist, Chairman
                                David Nagle, Clerk

        Others Present: Town Planner Noreen O’ Toole                                                    Administrative Assistant Barbara Ferguson


        Dennis Leary
        Audubon Estates

        The Board met with Dennis Leary of Hudson Park Associates of Pembroke to discuss his request for a further reduction of the bond for Audubon Estates.  Mr. Leary reminded board members that only a $25,000 reduction was approved from the $120,000 remaining on the bond in October even though the Board’s engineer, Land Planning, Inc. recommended a required surety of $23,502 at that time.  Mr. Leary advised the Board at its January 5, 2005 meeting that most of the items listed on a punch list provided by Land Planning on December 15, 2004 had been completed.  At that meeting, Board members told Mr. Leary they wanted to make a site visit before making a final decision on a further reduction.
        Member Joan DiLillo said that the settlement in the road on or about Station 3+14, noted in a December 3, 2004 letter to the Planning Board from Highway Surveyor Richard Harris, could not be corrected at this time of the year.  As for the other two items cited by Mr. Harris, Mr. Leary said the easements have been recorded and the utility company will be contacted relative to wires extending from the conduit.

        Regarding the resetting of the bound at Station 9+35, cited in the December 15, 2004 letter from Land Planning,  Mr. Leary said, that would be the Board’s decision.  Town Planner Noreen O’Toole noted that the Board had made developers correct similar situations in other subdivisions.  Board members concurred that this subdivision should be held to the same standard. Ms. O’Toole  said this subdivision would not be going before town meeting until October because the Board needs to observe conditions after two winters have transpired.

        Vice Chairman Gerard LeBlanc, who chaired the meeting in the absence of the chairman, pointed out that it would cost the town 20 percent more than the developer to complete the subdivision if he should fail to do so.  He said that it was the responsibility of the Board to protect the town and the people living in the subdivision.  Sufficient money should be retained to finish the project, he said.  Ms. O’Toole agreed that the bond should be more than the $23,502 cited in the letter from Land Planning.  She said that in a subdivision of this size the minimum retained should be $45,000.  Sometimes, she said, the Board has voted to double the recommended surety. All that remains to be done in addition to resetting the bound and correcting the road settlement, Mr. Leary said, is the lowering of two hydrants for aesthetic purposes.

        Motion to retain a balance of $50,000 in the bond for Audubon Estates and to    release         the remainder of the bond including interest: Joan DiLillo
        Second: Gordon Coyle
        Vote: 3-0

        Deborah Zella
        Informal Elm Street

        The Board met informally with Deborah Zella of 208 Elm Street to discuss a potential subdivision on an 8.27 acre parcel of land off Elm Street.  The Board was told that percolation tests have been done and wetlands have been delineated. At this time Board members said they did not see any outstanding issues, but, that a regular definitive subdivision plans would ned to be submitted for professional review.

        Clyde Doolittle
        Bond Reduction, Bonney Hill Ext.
        Letter from P.M.P.

        The Board met with Clyde and Constance Doolittle to discuss their request for a reduction in the $23,000 bond for Bonney Hill Extension.  The Board’s review engineer for the subdivision, P.M.P. Associates of East Bridgewater in a December 2, 2004 letter with an accompanying Construction Cost Estimate, recommended the bond be reduced to $10,000. The Board noted that the drainage easements for the subdivision are still outstanding.  Mr. Doolittle said that his attorney was working on them.  He said the owner of Lot 2 was unwilling to grant the town an easement based on the advice of her attorney.  Board members suggest that he have his attorney contact her attorney and return when all the easements are in place.

        Motion not to reduce the bond for Bonney Hill Extension at this time: Gordon    Coyle
        Second: Joan DiLillo
        Vote: 3-0

        Ransom Road
        Bond Reduction
        Letter from John DeLano Associates

        The Board met with Jon Ridder to discuss his request for a bond reduction for Ransom Road and a January 19, 2005 Construction Completion Estimate from John W. DeLano, the Board’s review engineer on the subdivision.  DeLano’s recommendation was that $23,600 of the $36,000 bond be retained.  Mr. Ridder questioned the street trees noting that the several of the original trees were left on the lots.  The privacy fence is up, he said, but the slats have not been inserted.  

        Motion to reduce the bond for Ransom Road to $23,600 with $12,400 plus interest         to be released to the developer: Gordon Coyle
        Second: Joan DiLillo
        Vote: 3-0


        Motion to accept the minutes of the meeting of January 5, 2005: Gordon Coyle
        Second: Joan DiLillo
        Vote: 3-0


        Master Plan Committee

        Town Planner Noreen O’Toole advised the Board that a new draft of the Master Plan had been received in the office.  She said that copies would be distributed.

        Zoning Bylaw Committee

        Ms. O’Toole said that a meeting of the Zoning Bylaw Committee has been scheduled for Monday, January 24, 2005 at 7 p.m.

        Old Colony Planning Council Joint Transportation Committee

        Ms. O’Toole said that the next meeting of the Old Colony Planning Council Joint Transportation Committee has been scheduled for February 10, 2005 at noon in Brockton.

        Other Matters

        Ms. O’Toole presented Board members with copies of the Determination of Adequate Access finding for Fuller and Pine Streets.  She said that she had met with Joseph Webby of Plympton, the owner’s engineer, prior to drafting the Determination.  Members offered no changes in the decision which will be signed after all of the roadway and drainage work has been completed.

        Ms. O’Toole said that she planned to attend a Pictometry meeting at Bridgewater State College that is being presented by the Old Colony Planning Council. The Board of Selectmen recently voted to participate in the program which is being made available through the Massachusetts Highway Department.

        Ms. O’Toole advised the Board that a meeting on March 2, 2005 would be a problem for the office staff and for one Board member and it was agreed that March 16, 2005 would be the only meeting date that month.


        Memo from Selectmen’s Office
        Annual Town Meeting Warrant

        Board members noted a January 14, 2005 memorandum from Executive Assistant Meredith Marini advising that the May 2005 annual town meeting warrant will close on Tuesday, February 15, 2005.

        Memo from Board of Appeals
        Negotiating Team- Hanson Pines 40B

        Board members noted a January 18, 2005 memorandum from the Board of Appeals advising that the negotiating team on the Hanson Pines Chapter 40B proposal will meet on January 20, 2005 at 7 p.m.  Town Planner Noreen O’Toole said that she would be available to represent the Board, if David Nagle is unable to attend.


        Letter from Attorney General’s Office
        Approval of Articles from October 2004 Special Town Meeting

        Board members noted a January 7, 2005 letter from the Office of the Attorney General to Town Clerk Sandra Harris advising that the general and zoning bylaw amendments voted at the October 2004 special town meeting have been approved by his office.

VI.     ADJOURNMENT - 9 p.m.

        Motion to adjourn: Joan DiLillo
        Second: Gordon Coyle
        Vote: 3-0